Statistics Cimera
Statistics Cimera (StatCim) produces statistics that help Cimerans better understand their country—its population, resources, economy, society, and culture.  An interministerial agency, StatCim is Cimera’s national statistical office, legislated to serve this function for the whole of Cimera and each of the counties.  The chief executive of StatCim is called the Royal Statistician.  As part of its duties, the agency is responsible for the National Census and the Office of the General Register.
The National Census

The National Census is enumerated  twice each decade.  Quinquennial censuses are taken during the summer of the fifth year of the decade and decennial censuses are taken during the first year of the decade.  Thus, the next census is set to take place in May of 306.  The decennial censuses are used by Elections Cimera, the non-partisan government agency responsible for electoral redistricting based on population.
The General Register

The Office of the General Register is in charge of civil registration for all of Cimera, documenting births, adoptions, marriages, divorces, and deaths; the registration of all of these is mandatory.  The Archives of the General Register (AGR) maintain civil records available for public access in most cases.  The Office of the General Register predates the Kingdom of Cimera and was previously a function of the Commonwealth of Merité and the Empire of Merité before it.  As a result, all original civil records concerning the Duchy of Cimera, previously a subnational entity of Merité, have been transferred from Port Angela to Sligomeagh.  With the exception of Counties Haliso* and Trois-Iles**, registration of the following became mandatory at the listed dates:

Birth:  98 AP
226 AP
141 AP
239 AP
98 AP

*Records for Co. Haliso were also transferred to the the AGR from Port Angela along with the records for what is now Castronovia.  Cimera retains possession of both, though the Kingdom discontinued registration efforts in Castronovia early in 302.

**Records of Trois-Iles are limited to births, marriages, and deaths occurring at  His Majesty's Naval Base at Fenice (HMNB Fenice)  from November 297 through April 300.  All five categories of records are available from March 25, 302 onward.