Candidates for Prime Minister | ||||||
The post of Prime Minister may be filled by anyone who meets the following criteria determined by High Council legislation: The candidate must be 18 years of age by the day of inauguration, the candidate must have been a citizen of the Kingdom of Cimera for no less than fifteen years. The reigning monarch is not eligible to become PM unless he or she renounces the throne. Not being a parliamentary system, the PM is not elected from within the High Council by councillors, but from the pool of all eligible candidates, regardless of profession or political background by all eligible participating voters. | ||||||
James Brynn—(Conservative) The current leader of the Conservative Party, Mr Brynn intends to take the torch from his late predecessor, PM Everett. A main goal is the introduction of automobiles throughout the entire kingdom to stimulate the economy and increase transportation efficiently. Other economic goals include tax cuts and other incentives for corporations. Feeling that devolution would add another cumbersome layer to government bureaucracy, Brynn opposes steps in this direction. Brynn aims to greatly reduce federal-level funding to region-specific cultural programmes and redirect them toward measures that would “foster a spirit of unity among Cimerans, rather than focus on that which divides them.” Sovereignty is an extremely important issue for Mr Brynn who is sceptical of Meritéan Union. Brynn has, in the past, as a leader of the Conservative Party strongly opposed propose legislation legalising gay marriage or civil unions. Maintaining the status quo on abortion (illegal except when mother’s life is in grave danger) is both part of the party platform and Brynn’s personal convictions. In the wake of the goins-on in north-central Eras, Mr Brynn has raised questions about the self-sufficiency of Cimera’s military and would favour increasing military spending. Outraged at what he saw as a humiliating political manœuvre, Brynn would take steps to “rectify” the “loss” of Ulnofshire despite a treaty with the Cimeran Communist Party (now the Castronovian Communist Party) recognising Castronovia as a legitimate and sovereign state. Lastly, Brynn would favour the deactivation of Winfrey Island in its current function, calling the Caspian Veresh episode “a blight on the record of the kingdom’s international policy.” Stanley Magara—(Cruisian Democratic) Currently serving as a councillor for the Excelsior Riding, Co. Calhoun, Stanley Magara aims to “unite Papaists and Protestants, Conservative and Liberals, proponents of Christian social ideals, men and women from various regions, social classes, and democratic traditions.” Economically Magara favours moving Cimera more in line with a social market economy model believing that the government should care for its people, but refrain from excessive government interference in the economy. In his capacity as councillor, Magara has opposed gay marriage and civil union legislation and is a known opponent of gay adoption. He is firmly committed to the status quo of keeping abortion illegal. Billing himself as a defender of the traditional family, Magara feels strongly that access to pornographic material should be further restricted, move effectively preventing minors accessing it on-line and banning it in bookstores or other venues not explicitly catering to adults. In terms of foreign policy, Magara believes that stronger ties with neighbours in northwestern Eras as well as Feniz in the context of the Meritéan Union will be beneficial to the kingdom. While he regrets seeing Castronovia ruled by a communist government, he opposes retaking the territory by force but intends to open talks to discuss reunification. Didier Rénard—(Meritéan Unionist) Rénard, councillor for Verger Riding, Co. Aminais plans to pursue reunification of all “historically Meritéan” countries. This includes Wesmerité, Albion-Merite, the Dominion of Sehria, Castronovia, Ulanova, and Rosardan. Rénard, being a moderate in his party, does not seek to integrate Somery or Ulnovabad into any future unified state. While his and his party’s ambitions are clear, they are equally clear about pursuing them without the use of force. To this end, they greatly emphasise Cimera participation in the Meritéan Union and would ramp up efforts to accord more power and prestige to the organisation. Beyond this overarching goal is that of undergirding social welfare in Cimera while preserving a free market economy. However, to improve economic integration and interaction among “Meritéan” states, trade may be incentivised by the government. Socially the MUP would favour, though not spearhead attempts to legalise limited, regulated abortion. Domestic partnership benefits for employees in non-traditional relationships are on the agenda as well. Rénard supports the reintroduction of automobiles in Cimera for the purpose of increasing the ease of travel and commerce between the kingdom and Wesmerité. Annelise Noissen—(Labour) Annelise Noissen, councillor for Karraby Riding, Co. Lonavin, bills herself as the most practical progressive candidate. Aiming to build a stronger social welfare system and ensure free medical care for all goes hand in hand with Ms Noissen’s commitment to Fair Trade. She would have the government be directly involved in the economy, setting up punitive tariffs to discourage multi-national enterprises from engaging in practices unfriendly to workers. Noissen would call for legislation to shift the power to appoint ministers from the king to the prime minister and would seek to curtail direct influence of the monarchy in politics. Frustrated with the lack of a unified minimum wage law at the national level, Ms Noissen would seek to introduce legislation setting a universal standard upon which individual counties would be free to build. Legalising abortion and gay marriages are on her agenda. Maintaining a high standard of public health by continuing current policy as well as taking certain progressive steps in the fields of sustainable growth and conservation is a high priority. If elected, Ms Noissen claims that she would use Cimera’s position in the UNV and the MU to reduce poverty and ensure fair trade. Archibald Windermere—(Green) Mr Windermere, an activist lawyer originally from Port Quincy, was a major player in enacting the ban on automobiles upon the establishment of the then-Cruisian Principality of Cimera. Windermere seeks to make the transportation situation in Cimera more efficient while pursuing its current high-standards of environmental friendliness. He seeks to ensure that industry and commerce in Cimera are people and environmentally friendly, emphasising sustainability. In issues of foreign policy, he believes that Cimera can best serve Vexillium as a neutral state and would seek to (further) develop a reputation of diplomatic excellence and concern for human rights. Mr Windermere would seek to disassociate the monarchy and the Church of Cimera from the administration of the kingdom altogether. Legalising abortion and gay marriages are a high priority. Restricting funding to religious charities and private religious educational institutions are key in the Green Party platform as well. If elected, Mr Windermere would seek to improve relations with Castronovia and try to engage it as a partner while distancing the kingdom from nations such as Lysonia and Zartania. Guénaëlle Lewis—(United Cruisian Progressive) Ms Lewis was only just recently elected leader of the United Cruisian Progressive Party formed two weeks into December. The young party is a broad-based coalition of minor parties such as the Cruisian Socialist Party, the Papaist Workers’ Party as well as members of the National Conference of Peace Churches and various others from different backgrounds and fields. Lewis says that, “Living out [our] faith, modelling ourselves on Cruis rather than using him as some sort of political pawn—that is our objective.” Lewis’s lofty goals include improving the welfare state so that there will be no one left hungry or homeless. She believes it is a travesty that in a nation with the foremost pharmaceutical sector in all of Vexillium that some people cannot afford prescriptions and would seek to provide programmes to allow everyone access to needed prescriptions as well as universal healthcare. Fair trade is another priority for Ms Lewis who believes that Cimerans are directly responsible to the less fortunate around the globe. Maintaining Cimera’s high health standards through environmental and public health initiatives are on her agenda. Ms Lewis firmly supports maintaining the status quo of a “culture of life” in Cimera which has prohibited abortion and the death penalty since its inception. She would commit the kingdom to a stance of military neutrality and work toward peace, especially in north central Eras through diplomatic and humanitarian means. Believing that Cruisians do not have the right to force their morality on others, Lewis would support legally-binding domestic partnerships for homosexual and other non-traditional couples providing them the same benefit of married couples. However, Lewis would maintain the right of religious charities to retain government funding while continuing to have selective hiring standards. |